UN sounds alarm for urgent increase in strong drinking-water and sanitation systems
Why Wait for Clean Water?
Brand new information regarding the demand for safe water: August 28, 2019
During World Water Week, the United Nations “sounded the alarm for an urgent increase in investment in strong drinking-water and sanitation systems.”
A new report published by the World Health Organization warns “weak government systems and a lack of human resources and funds are jeopardizing the delivery of water and sanitation services in the world’s poorest countries – and undermining efforts to ensure health for all” (UN Water).
Not all the news is bad. Many countries are making positive steps toward meeting water and sanitation goals. However, many governments will be working to secure funding and to prioritize water infrastructure, with goals set for the year 2030.
In the meantime, how will communities access clean drinking water?
Pure Water is our Mission
At ANSA North America, our mission is to make a difference to millions of people worldwide by providing access to pure water, a basic human need.
ANSA North America is a pure water solution provider. We have developed a revolutionary new water purification and salt water desalination system that makes pure, potable drinking water instantly from any available source: fresh water, brackish water or salt water.
Everywhere Water Purification is ideal for humanitarian uses and disaster relief in remote locations.
But with myriad water filtration products on the market, including many lost-cost, high-profile fad filters, how can an individual, community or organization decide which device will work the best? How can one be sure their investment in a HydroVolt Water Purifier is a wise choice?
There are three major ways in which the HydroVolt vastly outperforms other water filtration systems: Input, Purification and Output.
Input: ANY kind of water source
The website of a popular water filter product shows users bravely slurping water from a muddy puddle or a river through their straw filter, making it seem as if you can source water from “anywhere.” Not so.
That same photo op would not be possible if that water source were a contaminated village well, an ocean or even a swimming pool!
In contrast, HydroVolt systems easily and instantly produce a flow of drinkable water from any source, including Rivers, Ponds, Wells, Swimming Pools, Rainwater, Lakes, Tap Water, Wells, River Inlets, Mangrove Swamps, Oceans, Salt Lakes, and Salt Pools.
The same popular water filter brand states on its website that its products “do not remove contaminants that are dissolved in water including chemicals (like arsenic), brackish water or salt from salt water. They should not be used in areas where there is known chemical contamination and should not be used to consume pool water or urine. Our products also do not remove fluoride.”
In contrast, HydroVolt machines instantly pump purified water from ANY source, saltwater, contaminated or brackish water!
Filtration Level: The Proof is in the Purity
Many mistake water filtration for purification. They are not the same, and EveryWhere Water delivers purified water, not to be mistaken for utility-grade filtered water.
According to Survivopedia, “There are many water filters out there; there’s a good chance that you have one in your fridge right now. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that filtered water is the same as purified water. Most water filters do exactly what they say: they filter out physical impurities such as debris, minerals, and pollutants such as insecticides. Most of them don’t purify the water, though, because illness-causing microbes are too small to be caught in the filter, nor are the filters designed to kill them.”
While traditional water purifying methods such as boiling or adding chemicals have their limitations, popular consumer filter brands have their limits, too, and may only produce utility-grade water.
Multi-stage filtration is necessary
ANSA-NA uses a 7-stage purification system, guaranteeing 99.99% pure water for drinking, bathing, cooking and food preparation. The reverse osmosis step removes almost everything from the water except the water molecule itself, down to .0001 micron, about 800,000 times smaller than a human hair.
Another water filter designed for community use indicates its cartridge filters to .02 microns.
Renewable Energy World explains, “Water filters…cost more as their micron number goes down. While it may be tempting to forego spending the extra money on a filter that removes from your water unseen contaminants, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from drinking water free of harmful levels of contaminants.”
What’s more, EveryWhere Water is also a Desalination system, capable of creating this highly purified water from salt water at a rate of 100 gallons an hour!
Sure, if an individual is camping and wants to drink water from a relatively clean river using a filtered straw, this product is an appropriate choice for that application. But if a community of people in an emergency or humanitarian crisis need access to purified, not simply filtered, water that is sourced from an unsafe source, a straw, or even a large-capacity filtering cooler, is simply not an acceptable choice.
If your community or organization could benefit from a product vastly outperforming a glorified refrigerator water filter pitcher, and wants to save thousands of dollars per day versus the expense and waste of plastic water bottles, ANSA-NA makes it possible.
Water Output: High Volume Capacity
The HydroVolt AQS, our small group water solution, produces 300 gallons or more per day.
The HydroVolt SQN, our large group model, pumps out 2500 to 5000 gallons of pure water a day, or 200+ gallons an HOUR!
In stark contrast, the “high-capacity” community filter by another company has a flow rate of just over 3 gallons an hour.
The EveryWhere water system delivers pure drinking water at hundreds of times lower cost than bottled water. Input water from any source. Input power from any source.
And the HydroVolt SQN is capable of providing 5,000 gallons of 99.99% pure drinking water per day from fresh water sources for about 1 cent per gallon operating cost.
Pure Water: A Human Right
It is time to put to rest the old adage, “beggars can’t be choosers.” For example, if a child is hungry, do we believe he deserves or should be expected to eat leftover expired, unsafe or spoiled food simply because he lacks the resources to access fresh food? Of course not. Likewise, we should not expect people in the developing world to drink unsafe utility water simply because their countries currently lack resources and infrastructure.
We all share a Human Right to Water and Sanitation. Outperforming other systems in input, purification and output, EveryWhere Water portable instant purified drinking water makes it possible!
UN Water:
Renewable Energy World: