The Case for Mobile Water Hubs
Most improved water points conceptually are Hub & Spoke systems. The Hub is where water is drawn and the Spokes are the users who come to the Hub for drinking, cooking and washing water.
These systems work great…until the Hub quits providing drinking-quality water for any of hundreds of possible reasons; such as mechanicals, pollution, disaster, terrorism, human error, distribution system breaks, and such.
For continuing user service, normal backups are bottled water or tanker truck delivery. Both can be VERY EXPENSIVE and time consuming. If the improved water point managers can’t afford either in time or money, the answer can easily drift to the poor solution of “Doing Nothing”. Users suffer!
A better solution exists!
It is a Mobile Water Hub, such as the new SQN watermaker from ANSA North America.
The SQN arrives at the idled Hub by pickup truck, is operational within 8 minutes and instantly starts making cascades of up to 99.99% pure drinking water. The intake hose reaches up to 300 feet to ANY available water source, like ponds, streams, ditches, polluted wells and even saltwater. The SQN watermaker plugs into local power or self-produces 6 kW with its on-board diesel generator.
The SQN is 5,000 Gallons Per Day fresh water rated, or the equivalent of about 39,500 environmentally unfriendly half-liter bottles of bottled water. From saltwater sources, it is 2,500 GPD rated, saving per day about 19,750 bottles and caps from the environment.
Situations abound for using Mobile Water Hubs. Usage can be for short times or extended installations.
Here are some Short Term uses:
- Water Quality: Immediate Improvement of up to 99.99% pure.
- Disaster Relief: Natural, Manmade, Accidental, etc.
- Improved Water Point Crash: Mechanicals, Power Outages, Computer, Sabotage, etc.
- Demand Spikes: Refugee influx, Pilgrimages, Sports/Religious events, Concerts, etc.
- Pollution: Seepage, Floods, Chemical Spills/Overuse, Terrorism, etc.
Some Longer Term uses:
- Water Quality: Immediate Improvement of up to 99.99% pure.
- Critical Users: Hospitals, Schools, Medical Clinics, etc.
- No Water Service: Islands, Remote Villages, etc.
- New Construction: Project Construction Workers, Local Citizens, New Users, etc.
- Local Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Relief, Routes filling remote Kiosks/Tanks, etc.
Now, NGOs and Governments have a more economical, rapid-deployment, versatile solution to improved water point problems.