Providing Pure Water to Hospitals In Need
ANSA North America provides on-site water purification for hospitals and medical facilities now operating with contaminated water.
A doctor who can’t wash her hands between patients.
A nurse without a sink.
A hospital patient who cannot have a simple glass of water.
These may sound like lines in a dystopian movie. They sound unbelievable.
Unfortunately, they’re no laughing matter.
Globally, 42% of facilities have no hand hygiene at points of care.
One in four health care facilities lacks basic water services.
In Sub Sahara Africa, an estimated 1,900 medical facilities operate without clean, safe water.
Clean Water is Beyond Essential
Worldwide emphasis has rightly been on sound hygiene to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including frequent handwashing in warm, soapy water. But many of us take it for granted that we have sinks, taps, and clean water readily available to follow these guidelines.
In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 1 in 3 people, or 2.4 billion, were still without sanitation facilities, while 663 million people still lacked access to safe and clean drinking water. In 2018, the UN Secretary-General issued a Global Call to Action to elevate the importance of and prioritize action on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).
in all health care facilities, recognizing the important role WASH plays in preventing infections and saving lives.
Enter the Watermaker
We can provide these essential medical facilities with an economical water purification machine. The high-demand, portable HydroVolt SQN can be set up easily at any contaminated or salt water source.
The bad water is pumped into the machine, purified, and the output is immediate safe, clean water of up to 99.99% purity. The medical facility staff can immediately use it or store it for future use.
If the medical facility is without electricity or needs additional power, we can provide solar power generation.
How You Can Help … NOW
WASH infrastructure in health care facilities will take time and money, so providing water now will require low-cost, innovative solutions.
Your group, government or foundation can partner with ANSA North America to make a major impact by reducing the number of medical facilities operating without safe water.
Give doctors and nurses the chance to wash their hands and patients clean water to drink.
Does your organization seek to make clean water a global reality?
Join us! Learn more on our website.