People Need Pure Water to Climb The Pyramid
Assisting Developing Communities to Meet Physiological and Safety Needs
Are you interested in self-actualization and personal growth? Do you read books and articles to educate yourself, take classes to advance your career or enjoy courses that feed your desire to become the most that you can be?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, chances are you have been afforded the opportunity to climb Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It is likely your Physiological and Safety Needs have been met, such as water, food and health. You then are able to pursue higher satisfactions.
In contrast, millions of our fellow humans, even in today’s advanced technological age, are still struggling to satisfy even the lowest-level, most basic needs like clean water access.
The inability for the world’s people to feel safe and fed, and therefore climb the pyramid, is a human rights and equity failure we seek to remedy here at ANSA.
Our new and field-tested technology creates tangible opportunities to satisfy Physiological and Safety Needs for Health, Water and Food, allowing a better chance to escape the basics, climb the pyramid and access higher-level needs.
Power, Food and Water
It’s hard to imagine life without light, heat and power. About 11% of people globally still exist with no electricity access or experience regular interruptions to power.
Food insecurity affects 795 Million people in the world, including 41 Million people in the United States who do not have enough food to lead a healthy life.
By 2025, half the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas.
Our experience shows that over 90% of all situations with no power access also experience very limited access to clean drinking water. Therefore, we at ANSA-NA pattern our solutions to the critical-to-survival needs of power and pure water.
Via our technology solutions, we offer various power generation, water purification and food growing systems. We can solve water and power problems with either Individual Watermaker Units and Powermaker Units, or from “Total Solutions” like the new HELP Responder™ disaster relief trailer.
It all begins with clean water, providing avenues toward higher and higher human needs satisfaction. Partner with ANSA today and let’s help all climb the pyramid!