It is now possible to bring disaster areas quick-response, portable on-site water purification capacity, desalination capabilities and solar electric power generation.
Disasters happen! Emergencies happen!
Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, volcano eruptions, etc. are natural events that populations must deal with. They happen.
In a recent 20 year period, each year averaged 344 natural disasters worldwide. These events killed an average of 68,000 people each year and affected another 210,000 people. In addition, natural disasters cause billions and billions of dollars in property damage and destruction.
When natural disasters happen, usually the electric power goes out, food distribution is disrupted and potable water becomes scarce or non-existent.

The common “fix” to the potable water scarcity problem is to try to fill the area with bottled water. Pallets of bottled water arrive by air or by truck through all the snarled infrastructure and chaos. These pallets fill distribution centers and go through elaborate channels of distribution to get to the survivors of the disaster.
Each pallet of bottled water weighs over 2,000 pounds, enough to require heavy equipment to load, unload and move about. When it gets to the disaster area, the one-ton pallet is broken down into cases and 39,504 bottles, and may finally arrive to disaster victims.
The bottled water disaster relief answer is expensive and logistically challenging. When the bottled water does reach the victims in need, it quenches thirst one-half liter/16.9 fluid ounces at a time. Then the 39,504 empty plastic bottles are likely to join other disaster debris and begin their 450 year decomposition cycle in a pile somewhere or floating out to sea to join a gyre’s plastic bottle “Garbage Patch”.
ANSA North America has the technologically advanced equipment, systems and know-how to help millions of people worldwide have pure water and electric power, both in disaster situations as well as everyday life.
We, along with our Government and NGO partners, can provide portable watermakers and powermakers to communities in need, when they need it.
Our new SQN watermaker unit can make on-site up to 99.99% pure drinking water from and available water source…streams, ditched, ponds. polluted wells, floodwaters, contaminated tap water and even ocean water.
Each SQN portable water purifier can produce 20 tons per day of up to 99.99% pure drinking water from a fresh water source. That is the equivalent of a full semi-trailer truck full of 39,504 half-liter water bottles that costs
someone many thousands of dollars.
Our Solution logistics are much more efficient that the bottled water model. Our water purifier can arrive on-site in a pickup truck instead of an 18 wheeler. That means it can get to many more remote locations in need and be there much faster and more efficiently. It easily can be moved from place to place as needed.
Our watermakers not only purify either contaminated fresh water or salt water, but also can provide emergency power from their internal generator or pump water from place to place, like pumping out flooded basements, etc. They are “4-in-1” machines. Very handy in disaster situations..
Our powermaker units can generate significant amounts of electric power, both from internal diesel generators on the watermakers and from solar panels in various arrays.
The SQN diesel generator produces 6 kW. The AQN diesel generator produces 4 kW. Our exclusive PowerFold solar panel array can generate green power from 9 kW, 27 kW, 54 kW or 108 kW systems.
We can solve water and power problems with either Individual Watermaker Units and Powermaker Units, or from “Total Solutions” like the new HELP Responder™. HELP = HydroVolt Emergency Light & Purification.
The new HELP Responder™ trailer bundles various combinations of Individual Units into an integrated system of extraordinary versatility. Its versatility can dramatically increase operational strategic flexibility, especially in complex disaster situations.
The new HELP Responder™ is a 20-foot trailer towed by a pick-up truck. It can hold up to 4 SQNs, 2 AQNs, 124 kW of Battery Storage and has attached, fold-out solar panels that generate 6 kW. A supplemental PowerFold™ solar panel array can generate an additional 124 kW of green power.
This HELP Responder MAX™ can purify water at rates of up to 28,000 GPD rated capacity. That is the equivalent of over 6 semi-trailer truckloads of bottles water!
The HELP Responder™ trailer contents can be customized for different situations. Different quantities of watermaking and powermaking equipment can be installed to produce different quantities of pure water and power.
When disaster strikes, we can deploy watermakers and powermakers to the scene either through our own system or through Government or NGO partner systems.
Please contact us for additional information.