Bottled Water Isn’t a Sustainable Solution to Global Water Needs
Pure Water Alternatives to Bottled Water Imagine a future free of the environmental impacts of bottled water, where people in every country have access to cascades of pure water. ANSA North America provides pure water alternatives to bottled water that provide economical on-site water purification and desalination to supplement bottled water distribution and reduce water bottle...Read More
People Need Pure Water to Climb The Pyramid
Assisting Developing Communities to Meet Physiological and Safety Needs Are you interested in self-actualization and personal growth? Do you read books and articles to educate yourself, take classes to advance your career or enjoy courses that feed your desire to become the most that you can be? If you answered yes to any of those questions, chances are you have been afforded the...Read More
The Case for Mobile Water Hubs
Most improved water points conceptually are Hub & Spoke systems. The Hub is where water is drawn and the Spokes are the users who come to the Hub for drinking, cooking and washing water. These systems work great…until the Hub quits providing drinking-quality water for any of hundreds of possible reasons; such as mechanicals, pollution, disaster, terrorism, human error, distribution...Read More
Providing Pure Water to Hospitals In Need
ANSA North America provides on-site water purification for hospitals and medical facilities now operating with contaminated water. A doctor who can’t wash her hands between patients. A nurse without a sink. A hospital patient who cannot have a simple glass of water. These may sound like lines in a dystopian movie. They sound unbelievable. Unfortunately, they’re no laughing...Read More
ANSA North America Partners with NGOs to Solve the World’s Clean Water Problems
Community Water Purification & Power Production Is your organization or philanthropic foundation poised to contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? In collaboration, ANSA NA can help make the global vision a reality. UN Goal 6 includes a clean water target to achieve universal and equitable access to safe, affordable drinking water for all by 2030. Our...Read More