All America On-Site Water & Power Production
Water purification and power generation equipment for on-site water & power production in water-starved communities and water shortage events around the U.S.
ANSA North America, our Government Partners, and our NGO Partners seek to maintain a pool of watermakers (SQN, AQN), powermakers (SPVT, SPF) and new technology HELP Responder Trailers to deploy around America after disaster strikes.
To communities in emergency, short-term need of clean, safe drinking water
With an average of 106 FEMA Disaster Declarations and 68,000 EPA water quality and monitoring violations each year, there is significant opportunity to assist in community water service interruptions.
And, we have an aging infrastructure already averaging 250,000 water main breaks a year.
The result is that many communities need clean, safe water while the problems get fixed. Presently, these short-term water needs are usually met with expensive trucked-in water or tons of bottled water.
Our solution is to aid the community by bringing in portable water purification units that can purify water from any available source in an effort to supplement the bottled water protocol.
Flood waters, ponds, streams or other sources can be used to make safe drinking water right on-site where needed. If seawater is available, we can desalinate it for drinking water.
We can solve water and power problems with either Individual Watermaker Units and Powermaker Units, or from “Total Solutions” like the new HELP Responder™.
The new HELP Responder™ trailer bundles various combinations of Individual Units into an integrated system of extraordinary versatility. Its versatility can dramatically increase operational strategic flexibility, especially in complex disaster situations.
The new HELP Responder™ is a 20-foot trailer towed by a pick-up truck. It can hold up to 5 SQNs, 56 kW of Battery Storage and has attached, fold-out solar panels that generate 42 kW per day.
A supplemental Solar PowerFold™ (SPF) solar panel array can generate an additional 112 kW of green power.
This HELP Responder MAX™ can purify water at rates of up to 25,000 GPD rated capacity. This is the equivalent of almost 200,000 half-liter plastic bottles of water, over 100 tons of water, or multiple semi-trailer truckloads of bottled water.
When the job is done, the equipment is returned to our pool for use in the next emergency.
Overall, our solution is significantly less expensive, more efficient and more environmentally friendly than various other options.
To communities in long-term need of clean, safe drinking water.
There are a significant number of US communities who have major long-term drinking water problems due to infrastructure, politics, geography, or contamination.
While communities clamor for clean drinking water, common stop-gap solutions include expensive bottled water transported in, tanker trucks bringing in and rationing drinking water from distant places, or individuals having to travel to get safe water.
Our solution is simple and more efficient: make purified drinking water on-site where it is needed.
We can deploy various equipment depending on the local circumstances. We can purify polluted freshwater from nearby streams, lakes, and contaminated wells. We can also desalinate seawater if the location is near saltwater sources, as well as provide clean water storage.
Whether the community needs short-term or long-term watermaking or powermaking, we can help.
Please partner with ANSA North America to contribute to the pool of machines at the ready to provide water and power to Americans in need.
Please contact us today! info@ansa-na.com